

11月20日是联合国大会于1954年通过决议设立的“国际儿童日(Universal Children's Day)”。














发表时间:2012-12-21        来源: 宣传部

国际信息发展组织严正声明兹有一家名为“国际信息发展组织中国代表处”的网站上发表了一个所谓的“重要声明”,声称:国际信息发展组织(DEVNET INTERNATIONAL 驻中国的唯一代表处为由Tony Morrow先生担任执行理事的国际信息发展组织北京代表处。并恶言中伤:“2012112526日在京召开的“国际信息发展组织DEVNET2012国际合作论坛暨中国 区第一届联合代表大会”以及“国际信息发展组织中国区主席李世恩”的消息与国际信息发展组织并无任何关系, 为滥用组织名义的诈骗行为!”对此,国际信息发展组织DEVNET事务协调局严正声明如下: 

The following which is called an “International Development Information Organization China representative office" website published a so-called "important statement," which says: International Development Information Organization the only representative office in China by Tony Morrow, served as executive director of the International Development Information Organization Beijing representative office. And they issued abusive words: " It is held in Beijing International Development Information Organization 2012 International Cooperation BBS and the news that there is no relation between Chinese area the first joint congress on November 25th, 26th, 2012" and " International Development Information Organization, LiShiEn (Chairman of the China branch) ". They abused the name of organization of the fraud behavior" To this, the International Development Information Organization Shanghai headquarters solemn declarations that are as follows:

一、所谓的“国际信息发展组织中国代表处”,早已被国际信息发展组织事务协调局撤消并于官方网站公告,公告全文名称为《撤销国际信息发展组织北京代表处”的公告》,公告全文如下:根据国际信息发展组织中国的相关规章条例,为维护机构形象、有利机构未来发展,国际信息发展组织事务协调局经研究调查,现决定撤消在北京成立的代表处,撤销Tony Glenn Morrow(托尼 美国籍 )原国际信息发展组织中国干事长身份一职。撤销陈芳女士 (锦州市)原国际信息发组织事务协调局副秘书一职。撤销谢有玲女士(上海)原国际信息发组织事务协调局副秘书长、国际信息发展组织北京代表处主任一职。

First, the so-called "International Development Information Organization China representative office", have been undone by International Development Information Organization Shanghai headquarters and announced in the official web site with the full name of announcement for the revocation of International Development Information Organization Beijing representative office. The public announcement of the full text is as follows: according to relevant rules and regulations of International Development Information Organization DevNet China, International Development Information Organization DevNet affairs decided to cancel the representative office Beijing, repeal Tony Glenn Morrow (American) who was the former director general of International Development Information Organization DevNet in order to safeguard mechanism image, good future development of the agency. Also we announced to cancel Chen Fang (Jinzhou city) former deputy secretary of International Development Information Organization DevNet affairs and cancel Xie Youling (Shanghai), the former deputy secretary general of International Development Information Organization affairs and former director of International Development Information Organization (DevNet) Beijing representative office.

今后Tony Glenn Morrow(托尼 美国籍)、陈芳女士(锦州市)、谢有玲女士(上海)不担任任何与本机构有关的职务,Tony Glenn Morrow(托尼 美国籍)、谢有玲(上海)应立即停止一切以本机构名义对外开展工作的行为,如若造成经济及其它方面的相关损失,应由当事人本人承担,另曾培淦先生因病去世不再继续担任国际信息发展组织DEVNET相关职务。 特此声明。

I hereby declare that the following three persons Tony Glenn Morrow (American), Chen Fang (Jinzhou) and Xie Youling (Shanghai) no longer hold any position with our organization and we have no any relation with the three persons. Tony Glenn Morrow (American), Xie Youling(Shanghai) should immediately stop all the behavior in the name of our organization. If any economic and other related loss caused by the three persons, we International Development Information Organization won’t take any responsibility. Also we hereby declare that Zeng Peigan is no longer holding the position of our organization for his death.

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二、国际信息发展组织事务协调局是国际信息发展组织(INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION ORGANIZATION —— DEVNET)在中国合法的唯一管理运营机构,并于2011年在中国注册,而所谓的“国际信息发展组织中国代表处”是未在中国政府注册的假冒机构,请相关组织和企业切莫上当受骗,为他们所利用。

Second, Bureau of Coordination is International Development Information Organization —— DevNet’s only legal operation department in China which was registered in 2011 in China. The so called International Development Information Organization China representative office is the fake institute which is not registered in China. We hope that any related organization or enterprises do not be deceived.

三、所谓的“国际信息发展组织中国代表处”在网络上恶言中伤本国际组织,影响恶劣,后果严重,本国际信息发展组织保留追诉其法律责任的权利,并就对我国际信息发展组织所造成的社会不良影响由托尼Tony Glenn Morrow公开道歉。

Third, the so-called “International Development Information Organization China representative office" said abusive words about our organization on the network. It caused bad affect and serous result. Our International Development Information Organization reserves the right to sue the legal responsibility, and the social bad influence will be taken by Tony Glenn Morrow.


Forth, we hope the so called International Development Information Organization Chinese representative office can stop all their social activities in the name of International Development Information Organization.


Ministry of Justice

International Development Information Organization
